Sunday, November 14, 2010

John Brown's Raid at Harper's Ferry you will be History Scene Investigators! Please follow these instructions to complete this assignment.
1) Read the following Blog postings about John Brown's Raid at Harper's Ferry.
2) Three of the entries require you to do an primary source image analysis and answer a few questions. You will click on "comment" at the bottom of the entry and sign in using your access email account. You will have to sign in using the entire email address in the name/URL section. USE ONLY your 1st name and then your email address. Example: Post the answers to the questions on the comment form. Remember...Blogs are PUBLIC forums...everything you write will be visible for the world to see! Proof Read and Spell Check before publishing!
3) The final Blog entry details your writing assignment. Complete your essay in WORD. When you have finished writing, do 2 things: 1) Proof read your essay for spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Use the spell check feature of WORD to assist you. 2) Print your completed essay. Make sure it includes your proper paper heading and a title!