Thursday, October 30, 2008

Gettysburg Address Essay

Hello 3rd Block!

I hope you are having a good class without me today!

After you finish your test, I want you to start working on your Gettysburg Address essays. Today you should figure out what you are going to write about. Your essay will have 2 main ideas:
#1: What message did the Gettysburg Address communicate to our war-torn nation in 1863?
#2: How are the ideals articulated in the speech still relevant for our country today?

***Your purpose for writing is to answer these two questions.***

In order to answer question #1 - you will need to analyze the speech itself. Mrs. Shiflet has a copy of the speech for you. As you read the speech and re-read the speech - write down your ideas. What was President Lincoln trying to tell his audience? (What was HIS purpose for writing? What did he tell his audience?) Was he trying to convey a message of hope? Was he trying to gain support for the war by inspiring patriotism? Was he trying to console people who had lost loved ones? Once you have decided what message he was trying to communicate - back up your opinion with specific details from the speech itself. You must convince the reader with specific evidence from the speech which supports your opinion.

In order to answer question #2 - you will need to think about what life is like in our country today. Make sure you understand what the words "ideals" and "relevant" mean. Look them up in a dictionary if you are unsure. The next step is to write down your ideas. Is there an event or political issue happening in our country today which people could relate President Lincoln's message to? The obvious answer would be the ongoing wars: A) The war on terror B) The war in Afghanistan C) The war in Iraq.

Remember - a good essay will not only inform and educate, but the writer will try to convince the reader that his or her opinion is valid.

Your essay should contain an introduction of the topic, body paragraphs which answer the 2 questions with specific thoughts and examples, and a conclusion which restates the topic and summarizes what the essay said.

DO NOT WRITE IN 1ST PERSON. You should NOT use the words "I" or "YOU". Do not use contractions.

Organize your thoughts before writing the essay. Compose an outline.

BEFORE WRITING - look up the word "bibliography". You are required to submit a bibliography. If you use another writer's thoughts or words - you must give that writer credit to avoid plagiarism. You must keep track of your sources. This is VERY IMPORTANT.

We will work in the Computer Lab again on Monday. Have a rough draft ready by MONDAY. Yes, that means you have homework for the weekend!!!!


stud muffin =] said...


MzMac said...

I would like reply to a student's question which asked why only 3rd Block is participating in the DAR Gettysburg Essay.

Teachers in West Virginia are required to assess the skill levels of their students in order to create a challenging curriculum to enhance the learning environment. The students in 3rd Block have consistently shown through their formal and informal assessments to date that their skills lay in the "Above Mastery" and "Distinguished" categories. Due to this analysis, I chose to require that the students write this essay in order to give them an opportunity to practice their critical thinking skills. The Gettysburg Address essay assignment gives students the opportunity to explain and evaluate the historical significance of people, places, and documents - such as the Gettysburg Address - a document which is regarded as one of the most important speeches in American History.

Anonymous said...

we have to do this same exact essay for our school